CSI3* Canteleu Grand Prix (FRA)
1. Constant van Paesschen (BEL) with Calore van de Helle (Casall x Lord) 0-0 40,41 sec
2. Nicolas Deseuzes (FRA) with Quilane de Lezeaux (Grenat de Greze x Page de Paulstra) 0-0 40,90 sec
3. Alexandre Fontanelle (FRA) and Quaprice de l’Etivant (Carpaccio x Qualisco III) 0-0 40,93 sec
4. Michael Duffy (IRL) with Belcanto Z (Berlin x Mr Blue) 0-0 41,12 sec
5. Margaux Bost (FRA) with As de Papignies (Kashmir van Schuttershof x Ahorn Z) 0-0 42,26 sec
CSI2* Grand Prix in Darmstadt-Kranichstein
1. Michael Kölz (GER) with FST Dipylon (Dinglinger x Lavall I) 0-0 39,64 sec
2. Marie Etter Pellegrin (SUI) with Admirable (A Jungle Prince x Rhytmo) 0-0 41,71 sec
3. Pascal Bettschen (SUI) with Colin VI (Colander x Silvio I) 0-0 43,80 sec
4. Boseon Kim (KOR) with Catender (Cassini I x Contender) 0-0 44,37 sec
5. Felicitas Erfurt (GER) with Corradino 4 (Corrado I x Escudo I) 0-0 52,06 sec
CSI2* Grand Prix in Vilamoura
1. Luca Maria Moneta (ITA) with Neptune Brecourt (Cumano x Kayack) 0-0 35,52 sec
2. Luis Sabino Goncalves (POR) with Filou Imperio Egipcio (Querlybet Hero x Ahorn Z) 0-0 35,81 sec
3. Luis Sabino Goncalves (POR) with Teck de Riverland (Quick Star x Cincaba Rouge) 0-0 36,15 sec
4. Santiago Lambre (MEX) with Fortin (Forsyth x Quinar Z) 0-0 36,85 sec
5. Felipe Ramos Guinato (BRA) with Goodtimes van't Lozerhof (Kashmir van Schuttershof x Chatman) 0-0 37,01 sec
CSI2* Grand Prix in Caledon ON
1. Nicole Walker (CAN) with Deko de Landetta Z (Diamant de Semilly x Caletto I) 0-0 41,91 sec
2. Ali Ramsay (CAN) with Hermelien vd Hooghoeve (Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve x Thunder van de Zuuthoeve) 0-0 42,36 sec
2. Keean White (CAN) with Corette (Lupicor x Clinton) 0-0 42,36 sec
4. Daniel Doyle (IRL) with Ridley (Ustinov x Adlantus AS) 0-0 42,52 sec
5. Vanessa Mannix (CAN) with Quite Cassini (Cassini I x Quidam de Revel) 0-0 43,26 sec