Casall Ask on the morning of his big day, where he went on to win the LGCT Grand Prix and the 2016 LGCT title.
John Whitaker and Argento out for their morning ride.
There was a lot of space to hand walk the horses at Al Shaqab, and always someone near by prepared to clean up after them.
Drying in the sun.
Janne-Friederike Meyer's Goja out for a walk.
Rolf-Göran Bengtsson and Clarimo Ask.
Several riders took the opportunity to ride on the race track.
Happy to find a place to roll!
Malin Henlöv with Peder Fredricson's H&M Flip's Little Sparrow.
Sean Lynch with Daniel Deusser's First class van Eeckelghem.
First Class van Eeckelghem still has his lucky charm from the Olympics on the halter.
The areas to hand walk the horses were covered with rubber mats.
And there was also space for the horses to eat grass.
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