The X-Bionic Sphere in Samorin hosted a CSIO3* Nations Cup Friday afternoon. After two rounds of jumping as well as a jump-off it was Brazil that took home the win with eight faults from the two rounds and a clear jump-off. The Brazilian team consisted of Luis Felipe de Azevedo Filho with Chacito (Chacco-Blue x Daimler), Carlos Eduardo Motta Ribas with Wilexo (Phin Phin x Calvados), Karina Johannpeter with Casper (Concetto I x Grannus) and Marlon Modolo Zanotelli with Celena VDL (Mr. Blue Chin Chin).
The German team finished second as they picked up four faults in the jump-off. The German team included Denis Nielsen with DSP Cashmoaker (Calido I x Lafitte), Angelique Rüsen with Carlson (Colorit x Auftritt), Kendra Claricia Brinkop with A la Carte Nrw (Abke x Lux) and Jörne Sprehe with Stakki's Jumper (Stakkato Gold x Gouverneur).
Italy finished third with a total of 12 faults from the two rounds courtesy Luigi Polesello with Panama Tame (Carthago x French Cancan), Matilde Giorgia Bianchi with Lejano (Guardus Limbus x Carthago Z), Filippo Codecasa with Go High della Bassanella (Go on Top x Laptop) and Claudio Delnevo with Clarico (Clarimo x Briscar).