The CSIO5* 1.60m Longines Grand Prix of Switzerland in St.Gallen went to Egypt's Nayel Nassar and the 13-year-old Igor van de Wittemore (Cooper Vd Heffinck x Orlando).
Thirteen horse-and-rider combinations moved on to the second round of the Grand Prix, where Nassar beat British rider Scott Brash with Hello Vincent (Consul DL Vie Z x Fergar Mail) by 0.09 seconds. Germany's Philipp Weishaupt and Coby 8 (Contagio x Escudo 19) ended third, 0.73 seconds behind the winning time. Dutch rider Kevin Jochems and Turbo Z (Thunder v. Zuuthoeve x Renville) ended fourth, and Sweden’s Evelina Tovek fifth with Dalila de la Pomme (Taran de la Pomme x Diamant de Semilly).
Earlier in the day, a Swiss duo ended on top in the CSIO5* 1.45m Prize Bemer and Epona which counted for the world ranking. Elin Ott and Remix (Quidam de Revel x Come On) brought home the victory followed by Aurelia Loser and Anaba Haize (Ravage de Mars x C Indoctro II). Third place went to Egypt's Karim Elzoghby with Gallos (Spartacus TN x Casco).