Text © World of Showjumping
A total of 95 horses trotted up during the first horse inspection at the Olympic Games 2024, and 93 of them were accepted. Held in a quiet corner of the stabling area in Versailles, the first horse trotted up at 7.30 AM on Wednesday morning with a light drizzle of rain that changed to sunshine an hour later – it’s expected to be yet another hot day at the Olympic venue.
Four horses were asked to go to the holding box, two of those passed as they returned for a second trot-up while two were requested to come back for re-inspection: Andres Azcarraga’s Contendros 2 (Contendro I x Drosselklang II) for Mexico and Kevin Staut’s Viking d'la Rousserie (Quaprice Bois Margot x Apache d'Adriers) for the host nation France.
Two re-inspections are scheduled: The first at 4.30 PM today, and the second on Thursday morning at 7.30 AM.
The jumping gets underway on Thursday 1 August with the team qualifier that starts at 11 AM.