Roger Yves Bost’s Qoud’Coeur de la Loge is an eye catcher, with a unique style in the ring. The son of Bosty’s former super star Ideal de la Loge, out of the Tenor de la Cour-mare Fana de la Loge, is now 13-years old and has recorded several top results at five-star Grand Prix level.
“We bought him as a 4-year-old, as he was the son of Ideal de la Loge,” Bosty explains. "Qoud’Coeur de la Loge is a very brave horse, and he has a huge canter. When we are at a show and he goes in the ring, he really wakes up and gives his all. Outside the ring he is very relaxed and easy going, also to handle. I think his best quality is his heart; he is so honest, and tries so hard. He would never stop! Even though he is a stallion, he is very kind and quiet – you can stand next to a mare for a chat and he will have no problem with it. Last season was the best season I've ever had with him, he did great results, like a jumping double clear in the Nations Cup of Aachen."
And with this, we close up on Qoud’Coeur de la Loge!
All pictures © Jenny Abrahamsson