"I like to bandage my horses for the travelling, and if some of them are not happy with bandages they get Veredus stable boots on. Some of the more sensitive horses get very thin Eskadron wraps under the bandages on the hind legs if they are not standing quiet with the normal, thicker wraps. Using thinner wraps is more comfortable for them and usually even the horses who are not used to wearing bandages get used to them this way. I use over reach boots on the front legs to protect the hoofs.
The head collars for travelling are from Amerigo and have a soft sheep skin on them to make the horses comfortable.
I prefer driving during the night, but if I need to drive day time I give my horses some hay. The most important thing with travelling is to make sure the air in the truck is fresh. I always keep the top windows open, and never open anything in front the horses’ heads so that they are not standing in constant wind. I am lucky to have Janika driving with me very often, but if I drive alone I make sure I stop immediately if I feel tired. It is safer to stop and close my eyes for 20 minutes than to take the risk of falling asleep.
When I arrive at the show I like to give my horses a lot of bedding - straw or shavings, depending on the horse, - so that they can have a good rest after their travel. If the trip has been very long, I also give them mash on arrival to ensure they stay hydrated. If the weather is very warm I always hang up fans and my horses seem to love them."
"Our saddles, bridles and girths are all from Amerigo. Each horse has their own bridle and bit for home use and another set for the shows. The same goes for the saddles, each horse has their own saddle specially fitted for them.
Janika doesn't have a favorite bit, she is always thinking about what fits the horse in question the best. Pelhams and gags are most used for the shows but all of them with little variations depending on the horse; different materials on the bit, rubber or different metals, rolls on the bit, and so on.
All our boots are from Veredus and I use rubber over reach boots on every horse when they jump.
I use blankets from Horseware and Back on Track, and our saddle pads are from an Italian company called R.G."
Ring refinement
"I wash the horses at home before leaving for the show, and if the trip is very long I wash them again at the show to make sure they are clean.
I only clip the horses for the shows, when they are only working at home they are left unclipped and natural. I like to plait the mane on all horses as long as I have time.
Because we use rubber over reach boots on every horse when jumping, I don't use any oil or grease on the hoofs for the ring. Specially if you have studs on, it is easier to deal with the hoofs without the grease. I use Veredus hoof grease daily when the horses are finished off, and when the product is good it is enough for the hoofs to have the grease added once daily. All our grooming products are from Veredus, they have everything we need for the horses to shine in the ring.
My newest favorite is the ring bag I have from Samshield; it is pretty, functional and super light to carry."
Food and keeping fit
"Our horses eat Havens food and TRM supplements. All of them get oil and electrolytes plus pink Himalayan salt every day, for the rest of the supplements each horse has their individual feeding plan.
I think that the most important thing for a good performing horse is that they are happy. At home they are ridden every morning and in the afternoon we take them out again; they go in the walker, paddock, for a handwalk or some grass. All horses go out on the paddock daily.
We brush them proper in the afternoon and take time with each one of them to make sure they feel their best. We try to treat our horses like little princes and princesses, to make sure they are happy and ready to perform."
As told to World of Showjumping by Lolita Riotte // Pictures © World of Showjumping