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Advertisement; "Equine 74 Gastric is the alternative to Omeprazole for me" - Interview with Rasmus Lüneburg

Thursday, 16 July 2015
Equine 74 Gastric advertisement

Rasmus Luneburg
Rasmus Lüneburg is managing the ´Holsteiner' breeding and training stable of his parents, Hof Idenburg in Hetlingen, Northern Germany. Apart from training young horses and ambitious riders, the 32 year old is an internationally successful show jumping rider. And he puts his trust in Equine 74 Gastric. Photo by Janne Bugtrup.

Several studies have shown that around 60% of all horses have stomach problems. How would you describe your experience with that matter?

Rasmus Lüneburg: ' In our stable we have come across this subject as well. The most severe symptoms were shown by a young mare. She would hardly accept being ridden, she was rebellious towards the rider´s leg and as a result bucked and showed other forms of bad habits. Because of that, we suspected that she may suffer from a painful gastric ulcer. ´

And subsequently you had her checked with a gastroscopy?

Rasmus Lüneburg: ´No, after talking to our vet we administered Omeprazole, a blocker of gastric acid in order to ease the pain. That as well worked immediately.'

Your answer sounds as if there is a ´but ' that you want to add?

Rasmus Lüneburg: Yes, that is right. Because in my opinion Omeprazole is not a long-term solution. It does block, putting it in simplified terms, the mechanism that pumps the gastric acid into the stomach, but it does not solve the problem of the excess gastric acid. When I stop the treatment, I can set the time for the moment when the afflictions start again. That was the reason for me to start searching the market for a product that will help the horses to bind the excess gastric acid. Then I found Equine 74 Gastric.

There is a diversity of products for the stomach on the market. In what way did Equine 74 Gastric convince you?

Rasmus Lüneburg: On the one hand, the scientific studies that prove the effect of Equine 74 Gastric and on the other hand my positive experience with the supplement.

What positive experience do you mean?

Rasmus Lüneburg: In the case of this mare, I broke off Omeprazole and started feeding Equine 74 Gastric. The mare did not change. She kept on being relaxed, willing to work and generally happy. The effect seems similar. For me, Equine 74 Gastric has become a true alternative to Omeprazole.

Which of your horses do you provide with Equine 74 Gastric based on that experience?

Rasmus Lüneburg: At the moment I feed Equine 74 Gastric to six of my sport horses on a daily basis. These are especially the horses that are prone to stress and tend to get nervous quickly. At a competition, I expect the highest performance of my horses, they must be in the best of conditions at that very moment, and after all, economic factors play a part in this as well.

Unfortunately, stress and an excessive acid production cannot be completely avoided in this context. Some horses get over something easily, some not. My experience is that Equine 74 Gastric is a good support for such horses, not only when the symptoms are severe, but rather as a preventive. Hence, I play with the thought to provide all my competition horses with Equine 74 Gastric in the future.


For more informations about Equine 74 Gastric please contact us 0049 172 518 40 99. Or take a look at the website:

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