Verden. For the first time in the history of the Verden licensing, the Hannoveraner jumping stallions will be licensed separately from the dressage stallions. From December 2 to 4, the highly talented show jumpers will be the focus of interest. In addition to the licensing and the stallion sales, the Hannoveraner Show Jumping Masters, which take place at the same time, are a highlight for all show jumping enthusiasts.
The Hannoveraner Show Jumping Masters give the 36 hopeful young talents a sporting setting. The show jumping classes for four to eight-year-old Hannoveraner and Rhinelanders put the dam lines of the licensing candidates in the right context. The finals will take place on Friday and Saturday before the stallion sales. The good dam lines are the silver of the Hannoveraner breed, and this year's jumping stallion vintage has a lot of it to offer.
Several times you will come across dam lines that have produced successful horses that have even competed at the Olympic Games. For example, a young stallion by Asca/Favorit ASK out of the mare line of Esprit FRH (Lars Nieberg/GER), a Checkter/Stolzenberg son out of the half-sister of Fine Lady (Eric Lamaze/CAN) or a son of Diamant de Plaisir/Cador out of the half-sister of Fit for Fun (Luciana Diniz/POR). Several times the mothers of the young stallions have sport successes in jumping classes for young horses or even up to advanced level, and several times the young stallions are directly or their mothers are half-siblings to highly successful sport horses. Genetically, the stallion vintage has a lot to offer.
The licensing and stallion sales will be broadcast live on the internet at The OnLive auction of the show jumping stallions will be held for the first time as a hybrid auction, bids can be placed directly from the spectator stands in the Niedersachsenhalle or comfortably from home. Prior to this, the Hannoveraner Mare of the Year will be awarded in a highly interesting show block.
Thursday, December 2
8.00 am Qualification Hannoveraner Show Jumping Masters four and six years old horses
12 noon Arrival of the stallions
3.00 pm Presentation of the stallions on hard soil
4.30 pm Free jumping of the stallions followed by completing a course under the rider
Friday, 3 December
9.00 am Qualification Hannoveraner Show Jumping Masters five, seven and eight years old horses followed by Finals Hannoveraner Show Jumping Masters four and six years old horses
Saturday, 4 December
9.30 am Free presentation of the stallions followed by annoucement of licensing results and presentation of premium stallions
2.00 pm Final Hannoveraner Show Jumping Masters five, seven and eight years old horses
5.30 pm Show programme jumping with presentation of the ‘Hannoveraner Mare of the Year 2021‘ followed by OnLive Auction of the stallions