Next Friday the 27th August 2021 the XXI. ESI Foal Auction will take place at the CSI Klein Roscharden in Lastrup, Germany.
A total of 43 elite foals will be brought to auction, all carefully selected by the auction managers Henrik Klatte and Otto Vaske. The dam lines of these foals have proven themselves in terms of performance and competition and it is the priority when selecting the foals for the ESI Auction.
How exclusive the collection is shows Lot. 15 “Ringo Star”, an impressive colt by Carthago Z x Argentinus x Cassini I out of the direct damline of Cristallo I & II. The list of promising upcoming stars is long, like catalogue number 2, the colt “Calvero” by Cornet´s Quaprice x Diarado out of the dam line from the famous Calvaro and Landadel, followed by Lot. 8 the colt “Con du Rouet” by Conthargos x Baloubet du Rouet x Weinberg, the Grandmother is also mother to Levantado As, Bacarole and Baloutelli. Lot. 13 “Vanilla Ice” a filly by Vigo d´Arsouilles x Action Breaker x Argentinus, she is out of the motherline of Banda de Hus competed herself up to 160. Another rarity is Lot. 36 “Cupid” a by Charthago Blue out of the fullsister to Armitage. The pedigrees of these Elite-Foals are from world-known Jumping- and Breeding Stallions as Tangelo v/d Zuuthoeve, Aganix du Seigneur, Clarimo, Comme il faut, LB Convall, Verdi TN, Eldorado v/d Zeshoek TN, Diamant de Semilly, Chilli Willi and Nevados S.
You can place your bid online under or live on site in Lastrup at Friday the 27th August 2021. For any questions do not hesitate to get in touch with us:
Henrik Klatte +49 (0) 172 5213481