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FEI Board pledges CHF 1 million to deliver new Equine Welfare Strategy Action Plan

Thursday, 06 June 2024

The FEI Board has unanimously approved an Equine Welfare Strategy Action Plan and established a dedicated Equine Welfare Fund of CHF 1 million (USD 1’119’000; EUR 1’030’000) for its launch, the FEI has announced in a press release. The decision was taken during the Board’s in-person meeting at the FEI Headquarters in Lausanne on 4 and 5 June 2024.

The action plan is based on the recommendations outlined in the Final Report of the Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission (EEWC), and will be finalised with the suggestions made by the Board before being published. Implementation will begin immediately with the objective to propose initial rule changes that safeguard horse welfare at the FEI General Assembly 2024. 

Read more via this link.

Remaining key decisions

The remaining key decisions taken by the Board during its in-person meeting are available via this link in a wrap-up report from the FEI. With significance to jumping, some key decisions are referred to shortly below. 

Elections and appointments 2024 - Candidates for the FEI Jumping Committee (2024-2028):

  • Mr Hussam Zummit (LBA)
  • Ms Monica Gómez Su (MEX)
  • Ms Diane Baxter (RSA)

Allocation of FEI named events:

FEI Jumping European Championship for Young Riders, Juniors and Children, Hagen ATW (GER), 12-19 July 2026.

Rules revision 2024

The Board reviewed the proposed changes to FEI Rules and Regulations, incl. the Jumping Rules, which will be circulated to the NFs and stakeholders on 26 June 2024. Included were also the FEI Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations, which are undergoing full revision this year in accordance with the Periodical Rules Revision Policy. 

Jumping updates

The FEI Jumping Director informed the Board of the Jumping Committee’s decision to agree to the addition in the FEI Calendar 2025 of multiple CSIOs for seniors in one country and in particular in Canada, Germany, and the UAE. The Board took note of the Committee’s decision to always review such requests on a case-by-case basis.

FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List

The Board approved the changes to the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List (EPSL) proposed by the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List Expert Group.

Antihistamine, antipsychotic, corticosteroid, metabolic modulator, nitazenes, non- steroidal anti-inflammatory, toxin, and vasodilator substances will be added to the list.

In particular, botulinum toxin (aka botox), a potent toxin used as a nerve blocking agent, will be added as a Banned Substance.

The proposed changes approved by the FEI Board will be forwarded to the national federations for their feedback and the final changes will be presented to the Board at their teleconference on 27 August. The confirmed changes will then be published  by 1 October 2024 and will be effective as of 1 January 2025. 

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