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FEI and IJRC agree to decrease ranking points in five-, four- and three-star Nations Cups

Wednesday, 23 October 2024


Text © World of Showjumping



The FEI Board has approved a proposal from the Longines Ranking Working Group to update the rules for the Longines Rankings, decreasing ranking points distributed in five-, four- and three-star Nations Cups. The topic was brought up by a group of riders who requested adjustments in the number of ranking points distributed in Nations Cup competitions to level it with individual five-star classes and championships. 

A crucial role in determining access

The list for the Longines Rankings – which is produced by the FEI Headquarters – takes into account the points obtained by riders over a twelve-month period, with the best 30 results counting. The list for the Longines Rankings begins on 1 January each year with the carryover of the total number of points which have been accumulated during the previous year until 31 December. At the end of each month, the points earned during that month are added to the list, while the points from the same month the previous year are dropped.

For the majority of the riders the Longines Rankings plays a crucial role when it comes to access to CSI shows from two-star to five-star level. The world ranking goes hand-in-hand with the FEI’s CSI invitation system, which regulates which riders get to compete at which CSI2*-5* shows. The higher the rank, the more likely it is that the rider gets to compete at the five-star shows – which is where the big world ranking points can be earned.

There are a number of different groups identified in the Longines Rankings Rules, which determine the points riders can earn. Individual competitions go from AA to G, while team competitions are ranked from HH to O – with AA and HH being the highest possible point groups and G and O being the lowest. Individually, the number of points in each competition is based on the prize money on offer. As an example, individual competitions with prize money exceeding €308.600 offer points in Group AA. For team competitions, all Longines League of Nations™ competitions, as well as all five-star Nations Cups, offer points in Group HH, while four- and three-star Nations Cups belong in point group H.

Decreasing points for five-, four- and three-star Nations Cups

Following the above-mentioned request, the Longines Ranking Working Group – which consists of members from the FEI and the International Jumping Riders Club (IJRC) – put forward a proposal to reduce the points in five-, four- and three-star Nations Cups. Furthermore, the group suggested to scale points based on the percentage of double clear rounds in competitions within Groups HH and H – which include all Longines League of Nations™ competitions, five-star Nations Cups, as well as four- and three-star Nations Cups. The latter includes the Nations Cups in the popular Longines EEF Series.

Simultaneously, the Working Group suggested to change the criteria used to distribute points in individual five-star competitions.

"The Longines Ranking Working Group is made up of representatives of the International Jumping Riders Club, as owners of the Longines Ranking calculation formula, and the FEI," a joint statement from FEI and IJRC to WoSJ explained. "According to a long-standing agreement between the IJRC and the FEI any changes to the Longines Ranking Rules must first be agreed by both the IJRC and the FEI before they can be presented to the FEI Board for approval."


The Working Group identified the need to update the Longines Ranking Rules to ensure that points are allocated on a fair and even basis

- FEI and IJRC to WoSJ -


"The Working Group identified the need to update the Longines Ranking Rules to ensure that points are allocated on a fair and even basis, with an initial focus on the HH and H team competitions (i.e. Nations Cup/LLN competitions). Having studied the data, the Working Group recognised that the previous points differential between HH (5*) and H (3* and 4*) competitions did not adequately reflect the difference of the level of difficulty of the respective competitions. Therefore, after studying various simulations and projections, the Working Group proposed that the ranking points allocated for the H category competitions be revised accordingly, resulting in a relatively small reduction of the H points."

"The other main change is the introduction of a “weighting system” in order to repair the current inconsistency whereby if there are many double clears, indicating an easier competition, more points are allocated than for a difficult competition with less double clears. When the new scale of points is applied, it means, on average, the total number of points that will be allocated at 2025 HH competitions will be less than the total number of points available at HH Competitions under the 2024 Longines Ranking Rules."

On September 24, the FEI Board approved the proposals made by the Working Group – which will take effect on 1 January 2025.

Points in Group H – including all four- and three-star Nations Cups – will be decreased, going from 115 to 100 for a double clear round, 85 to 75 for one clear and one round with 1 to 4 penalties, and 55 to 50 for one clear round. 

The points in Group HH – all Longines League of Nations™-competitions and all five-star Nations Cups – remain the same as before for a double clear, one clear and one round with 1 to 4 penalties, as well as one clear round. 

However, in the point groups HH and H, two rounds with 1 to 4 penalties and one round with 1 to 4 penalties will no longer give any points (previously 70 and 35 for HH and 55 and 30 for H). 

Furthermore, from January 1, 2025, the new “weighting system” will be used to determine the number of points distributed in team competitions counting for Groups HH and H – depending on the percentage of double clear rounds in the competition.

Practically, a double clear round in a four- or three-star Nations Cup will now be worth the same as a win in a Group B competition (100 points). As an example, the latter includes an individual win in the second round of the Global Champions League (Table A against the clock, with a time allowed according to the FEI Jumping Rules article 238-2.1) – a commercial team competition where riders also can earn world ranking points based on their individual classification. Previously, a double clear in a three-or four-star Nations Cup was worth 15 points more than a win in a Group B competition.

EEF shares concerns over changes

Currently, as the FEI’s CSI invitation system is used to determine access, individual five-star competitions are only a given for those high up on the Longines Rankings – as well as for those with the possibility to pay their way in to jump. 

Nations Cup events on the other hand – at least those part of the Longines League of Nations™-series and the Longines EEF Series – are realistically the only option for riders sitting lower down on the world ranking to get into higher-level events, and earn points in the most lucrative ranking groups, as national federations select the riders competing based on performance. Hence, the Nations Cups have by many FEI stakeholders been pushed forward as worthy of protection against other more commercial forces within the sport.

To support the development of the sport through three-star Nations Cups, the European Equestrian Federation (EEF) launched the Longines EEF Series back in 2021. Consisting of eight three-star Nations Cups, two semi-final events and a final, the series aims to promote “(…) the next generation of riders, officials and sporting professionals from the continent.” Since its launch, the series has become increasingly popular.


The EEF urges the Longines Ranking Working Group to revisit the detrimental changes to Group H

- EEF spokesperson to WoSJ -


"The EEF supports the new ranking points system in general, with the exception on the changes for Group H events that include both 4* and 3* Nations Cup competitions and the relevant changes in the points allocated,” a spokesperson from EEF told WoSJ.

“The EEF is concerned that these changes affect negatively the ability of young upcoming riders from larger NFs and all riders and teams from smaller NFs to collect points and climb the rankings. This also affects the development of the jumping sport and the emergence of new talent. The EEF urges the Longines Ranking Working Group to revisit the detrimental changes to Group H and CSIO3* and 4* and is available to work with the Group to improve the new system."

Changing the criteria for five-star competitions

For the ranking points in Groups A and AA – individual competitions offering prize money exceeding €308.600 for AA points and all competitions with prize money of €165.700 for A points, as well as certain championships in both groups – a scale is used to determine if full points are distributed.

Previously, this scale was based on the number of ranked athletes – meaning, horse-and-rider combinations which actually finished the course and got a result. The Working Group’s approved proposal has altered the scale, which now will be based on the number of starters in the class.

While the scale only applies to the ranking point Groups AA and A, applying it to all point groups has previously been suggested to the IJRC on numerous occasions. Taking into consideration the past and recent occurrences of riders competing at venues with a low number of starters simply to obtain ranking points – an issue that led to controversy in the run-up towards the Tokyo Olympic Games – applying the scale to all groups could potentially solve certain issues. However, in the past, when asked about this option, the IJRC has commented how the scale is only applied to Groups AA and A “ - - to support the evolution of the sport in developing countries.”

The updated rules for the Longines Rankings will take effect on 1 January 2025.


23.10.2024 No reproduction of any of the content in this article will be accepted without a written permission, all rights reserved © World of If copyright violations occur, a penalty fee will apply. 

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