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John Madden announced as chairman of the International Grooms Association

Monday, 13 May 2024

Photo © Jenny Abrahamsson/WoSJ. John Madden has been announced as chairman of the International Grooms Association's Board of Non-Executive Directors. Photo © Jenny Abrahamsson for World of Showjumping.

John Madden has been announced as chairman of the International Grooms Association's Board of Non-Executive Directors. Madden – a former Chair of the FEI Jumping Committee, as well as former FEI 1st Vice President – started his career as a groom on the hunter/jumper circuit, before progressing into an assistant trainer role. In 1984, he founded John Madden Sales Inc. and has since then trained many riders and horses to championship success. 

The International Grooms Association was founded in 2022. With a Memorandum of Understanding with the FEI, the IGA is the only formally recognised professional association for grooms working in international horse sport.

 “I am so pleased to welcome John Madden to sit as the Chairman of our Board. He brings such a wealth of knowledge and experience and has always recognised the vital need for international horse sport to be more forward thinking and open to adaptation," IGA’s Executive Director Lucy Katan said in a press release.

“As the IGA enters its third year I feel this appointment is an important signal of our growth; and shows that the voice of the international grooms is being taken seriously at the very highest levels," Katan continued. "Having such a well-respected figure standing alongside us to represent the grooms is another great step forward in bringing positive development for FEI grooms around the world.”

Photo © Jenny Abrahamsson/WoSJ. "The grooms deserve a strong organization like the IGA looking out for their best interests,” John Madden said. Photo © Jenny Abrahamsson for World of Showjumping.

“I started in this sport because of a deep love for the horses, much like most grooms I meet and work with. This sport and the horses demand so much of all of us, and our grooms deserve a strong organization looking out for their best interests," Madden commented in the press release from IGA. "Ultimately, everything we do to improve conditions and education for our grooms betters the lives of our horses, which every horseperson can agree is an admirable goal. I am honoured to serve as the Chairman of the International Grooms Association and be working with Lucy Katan and her associates to continue their mission.”

“I feel strongly that this sport wouldn’t exist without the hard work and diligent care from the grooms and that shouldn’t be overlooked. The grooms deserve a strong organization like the IGA looking out for their best interests,” Madden stated.

“My experience is that grooms care so deeply for their horses that they often end up martyring themselves for their care. I have a strict no-martyrs rule at John Madden Sales, Inc. Grooms need reasonable schedules, days off, a team around them ready to help when they have too much on their plate, health care, a liveable wage, the ability to save for the future,” Madden pointed out. “They need an environment that is set up for the good of the horses and the good of the whole team around them. I think most riders and owners would agree they want the same, but the demands of the sport and the needs of the horses often lead people to stray towards unreasonable expectations. I hope we can work to keep improving conditions for grooms in terms of schedules and working conditions so the best of the best can stay in this industry without burning out.”

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