World of Showjumping
World of ShowjumpingWorld of Showjumping

The German showjumping squads for 2015

Thursday, 12 February 2015

The amazing Cornado NRW and Marcus Ehning jumping the Mont St Michel.
Marcus Ehning is in the German 2015 Championat-squad with Cornado NRW. Photo (c) Jenny Abrahamsson.

German coach Otto Becker has selected his squads for 2015. In the Championat-squad are: Christian Ahlmann/Codex One, Ludger Beerbaum/Chiara, Daniel Deusser/Cornet D’Amour and First Class van Eeckelghem, Hans-Dieter Dreher/Embassy II, Marcus Ehning/Cornado NRW, Marco Kutscher/Liberty Son, Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum/Fibonacci and André Thieme/Contanga and Conthendrix.

In the B-squad are: Felix Hassmann/Horse Gym’s Balzaci, Toni Hassmann/Classic Man V, Patrick Stühlmeyer/Lacan and Chasmo as well as David Will/Colorit.

There is also a B2-squad consisting of Katrin Eckermann, Andreas Kreuzer, Lars Nieberg, Denis Nielsen, Markus Renzel, Tim Rieskamp-Gödeking, Mario Stevens, Jana Wargers, Philipp Weishaupt and Holger Wulschner.



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