The Swedish Equestrian Federation has announced the horse-and-rider combinations for its championship squad for 2025.
Sweden will be the titel defender in the team competition at this summer's European Championship in La Coruña, Spain, as the reigning team champion. "It is of course fun and we are happy to defend the gold," Henrik Ankarcrona – the Swedish chef d'equipe – said in a press release from the Swedish federation. "But we'd rather defend it at the World Championships next year. We will get there as reigning champions both as a team and individually. When we make the selection for the Europeans, we will definitely have the World Championships in the back of our minds. There we also have the first chance to qualify for the Olympics in Los Angeles in 2028, so it is very important in several ways."
The current championship squad for Sweden consists of the following horses and riders:
- Malin Baryard Johnsson and H&M Indiana (Kashmir van Schuttershof x Animo's Hallo, owned by Stuteri Arch)
- Rolf-Göran Bengtsson and Zuccero HV (VDL Zirocco Blue x Caretino 2, owned by Holsteiner Verband Hengsthaltungs GmbH/Rolf-Göran Bengtsson)
- Henrik von Eckermann and King Edward (Edward 28 x Feo, owned by Dufour Stables) and Iliana (Cardento 933 x Gentleman, owned by Dufour Stables)
- Peder Fredricson and Catch Me Not S (Cardento 933 x Ramiro's Son, owned by Ebba Berglöf)
- Wilma Hellström and Cicci BJN (Ci Ci Senjor Ask x Tornesch 1042, owned by WH Sporthorses)
The A-team for CSIO5* Nations Cups:
- Petronella Andersson and Castres v/d Begijnakker Z (Coriano x Palestro vd Begijnakker, owned by Stephex Stables), Opaline de W&S (Etoulon x VDL Zirocco Blue, owned by Stephex Stables)
- Angelica Augustsson Zanotelli and Kalinka v/d Nachtegaele (Epleaser van'T Heike x Cicero Z, owned by Ashford Farm BV, Angelica Augustsson Zanotelli and Jennifer Carmichael)
- Peder Fredricson and SV Vroom de la Pomme Z (Vigo d'Arsouilles x Untouchable 27, owned by SWE SMS AB), Alcapone des Carmilles (Diamant de Semilly x Heartbreaker, owned by Alcapone Group)
- Amanda Landeblad and For Killy (Otangelo x For Pleasure, owned by Jacobsbergs Stuteri)