The CSI3* event in Nörten-Hardenberg features a beautiful showground surrounded by a park and with the fantastic castle as a backdrop. All photos (c) Jenny Abrahamsson.
On one side of the arena you have the hotel...
...and on another side you have the wonderful old castle.
On a third side of the arena is the Hardenberg brewery.
Photos of riders, staff and volunteers were put up around the show ground...
.. and it gave a very personal touch to the show.
Just look at this amazing building.
It must be such a great view over the show ground from the castle. Have to got there next year!
It is a long, but beautiful walk to the stables.
And a bike was very handy - here Mario Stevens on his way down hill.
Stable life.
This guy had everything under control from his corner box.
Several dogs enjoyed the water running through the park.
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