Only two riders cleared the jump-off in the CSI3* Vilamoura Grand Prix, and the fastest was Irma Karlsson (SWE) with Chacconu (Chacco-Blue x Perhaps van het Molenvondel). After clearing the shortened course in 49,03 seconds, Karlsson finished 0,6 seconds ahead of runner-up Morgan Bordat (FRA) with Star de la Beviere (Jazz Band Courcelle x Narcos II).
Harry Marshall (IRL) with Barcelona (Vittorio x Jasper) was the fastest rider in the jump-off with 47,64 seconds, but with four faults he had to settle for the third place – followed by Taizo Sugitani (JPN) with Heroine de Muze (Tinka’s Boy x For Pleasure) and Patrick Petre (ROU) with For Manny (Forsyth Frh x Landor S).