Yet again, Belgium's Gregory Wathelet illustrated that he is one of the best horsemen, producers and riders in the world when finishing third with Nevados S – a horse he has developed since it was seven, and taken through all the stages up to the Olympic Games and now the Grand Prix of Aachen.
All photos © Jenny Abrahamsson for World of Showjumping. No reproduction of these images is permitted.
Over the years, Quel Homme de Hus has brough his team so much joy! This time he finished 7th, after a double clear round and an unlucky rail on the first fence in the jump-off. Here with his rider Jerome Guery, co-owner Gaetan Decroix and groom Kirsty Pascoe.
Hugs and smiles for Laura Kraut's groom Margo Thomas.
A happy Laura Kraut after a double clear round with Baloutinue!
Riccardo Pisani rode a fantastic second clear round with the stunning stallion Chaclot, to place 11th.
A great week for Lucy Deslauriers and her faithful partner Hester came to a conclusion with a 14th place in the Rolex Grand Prix, after four faults in the first round and eight in the second.
Team Staut had to see three poles fall in round two of the Grand Prix.
Sylvain Benoit waiting for Nevados' turn.
Treats for Leone Jei from Sean Vard after a clear in the second round.
Clear in round one, a rail on the first fence in round two: It was a great day for young German rider Gerrit Nieberg and his 10-year-old Ben 431 in the Rolex Grand Prix.
It was a good day for the British riders with both Ben Maher and Explosion W... well as Scott Brash and Hello Jefferson in the jump-off...
...who finished 4th and 6th respectively.
The biggest smile of them all! Brian Moggre and Balou du Reventon were sensational and finished second in the Rolex Grand Prix, after a triple clear round.
Moggre gets congratulated by the winner Daniel Deusser.
A dream comes true for the winning team!