News | Live streaming
This week's live streaming
25 February 2015 - Most of this weekend's international showjumping events can be watched online, and here are the links.

News | Breeding
A foal for Noltes Küchengirl
25 February 2015 - Marcus Ehning's former top horse Noltes Küchengirl gave birth to a beautiful dark bay colt foal on Saturday.

News | Sport
Baltik Sitte sold to Greece
24 February 2015 - Dirk Demeersman's former ride Baltik Sitte (Ogano Sotte x Clinton) has been sold to Greece.

News | Sport
Voice de Longchamps to Pius Schwizer
24 February 2015 - Pius Schwizer has got yet a new ride; the ten year old Voice de Longchamps (Toulon x Bon Ami).

News | Riders list
Top riders to Gothenburg Horse Show
23 February 2015 - As the host of the last qualifier in the Western European League, it comes as no surprise that Gothenburg Horse Show attracts some of the best riders in the world this coming weekend.

Images | In loving memory of Jörgen Wilhelmsson
20 February 2015 - Very sadly Jörgen Wilhelmsson – a true showjumping enthusiast – passed away in January. In his memory we share some images of his favourite riders in the ring.