World of Showjumping
World of ShowjumpingWorld of Showjumping

WoSJ Exclusive interviews

Manuel Fernandez Saro: “When you learn to be a horse person, that's forever”

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Manuel Fernandez Saro: “When you learn to be a horse person, that's forever”

19 June 2024 - "I think we should teach everyone to be horse people first and foremost," Manuel Fernandez Saro, who has competed at six Europeans, three World Championships and at the Olympics, says to WoSJ.

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Robert Ridland: “While the sport has changed completely, the fundamentals have not”

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Robert Ridland: “While the sport has changed completely, the fundamentals have not”

18 June 2024 - "While the sport has changed completely, the fundamentals have not: Good horsemanship is still good horsemanship," Robert Ridland, the chef d’equipe for the US jumping squad, tells WoSJ.

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Gail Greenough: “Horsemanship is all-encompassing”

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Gail Greenough: “Horsemanship is all-encompassing”

12 June 2024 - "What is the biggest commodity in this world? Time. And spending that on your horses is horsemanship," 1986 World Champion Gail Greenough says to WoSJ.

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Giulia Martinengo Marquet: “The truth is that the horses are the main actors in our sport”

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Giulia Martinengo Marquet: “The truth is that the horses are the main actors in our sport”

04 June 2024 - "I strongly feel that in all our decisions and daily pursuits we should never forget that the basis of everything is our love for the horse," Martinengo Marquet tells WoSJ.

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Quintin Maertens: “We should not lose the magic”

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Quintin Maertens: “We should not lose the magic”

28 May 2024 - “None of us is entitled to earn a living with horses; I believe it is a privilege and something that should be cherished but not treated as the root of our sport," Quintin Maertens tells WoSJ.

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Franke Sloothaak: “The rider is there to help the horse, not the other way around”

Exclusives | Interview

Franke Sloothaak: “The rider is there to help the horse, not the other way around”

29 May 2024 - "I don’t believe that rules protect the horse; educating people does – and education takes time," Franke Sloothaak tells WoSJ.

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