Vet check went good for us and all the German horses. The only thing was that it was a little interesting getting the horses to the main arena and back as Vegas has been hit by a sandstorm! This I have never experienced before but it was not fun at all! By the evening the storm hit again really strong and it was sounding and feeling as if the tent where we are stabled was about to blow away! Of course Alien was not too bothered about this as long as there was food for him to eat. The sandstorm meant that we couldn't go outside for much of the afternoon and we also were worried about leaving the horses so we had lots of time sitting around inside. Of course we are all sensible and use our time wisely, there was lots of nail painting going on and I even got a haircut from Kay! I figured her horses manes always look good so she might as well do my hair as I never have time to get to the salon!
Wednesday was warm up day which meant there was 9 fences in the arena and the riders all had 90 seconds each to school around. Marco decided to only jump a couple of small verticals in the practice arena and not jump in the ring as hopefully if all goes to plan then it's going to be a long week with 5 rounds of jumping. Alien for sure is feeling fresh and fit here as the two jumps he made were followed by a couple of bucks. This may not be a good sign for us but at least Alien is happy and enjoying himself.
After a nice afternoon nap in my hammock (the best thing I ever bought) it was time for hand walking again. It's nice to take the horses out for some quite walking but Alien was still feeling fresh but luckily he behaved well and got to see some of his friends! He's super sociable and really loves to say hello to everybody.
Even though we're in the desert the temperature the last two days has not been so high and at night it was down to 12 degrees so by night check it was time to put 3 blankets on to make sure Alien was nice and warm for the night. A quick stop at the pizza place on the way home then it was time for bed! Having one horse with on the show is really easy but the days are still long and sometimes this actually makes you more tired than on a show with 4 horses so for me it was time to sleep by 10pm. Tomorrow is the first round of the final so hopefully Alien is also feeling good and in the right mind by morning!