World of Showjumping
World of ShowjumpingWorld of Showjumping

Alan Waldman: "Horses become more relaxed and just take a deep breath"

Monday, 03 February 2025
Advertisement presented by Equine 74 Gastric

Former showjumping rider Alan Waldman was born and raised in the USA, but has for many years lived in The Netherlands where he is breeding, training and trading showjumpers from a small village close to Amsterdam. Waldman is a horseman pur sang, so when he feels a particular horse can use some help to relax, he gives Equine 74 Stomach Calm Relax for an immediate result. 

“I have approximately 80 sporthorses in training and we own about 300 youngsters. I do a lot of work at the stables myself, I’m very hands-on. So I help in the stables with whatever is necessary, I do some lunging, and help with all the breaking-in and free-jumping of the young horses. Actually, I just like to be busy with everything that goes with horses. I don’t do much riding anymore. When we were at the Sunshine Tour earlier this year I rode dressage with my daughter's showjumper, that was the last time I sat on a horse,” Waldman explains. “Nowadays I teach a lot of people and train some riders that jump on a higher level.”

Alan Waldman Alan Waldman frequently uses Equine 74 Stomach Calm Relax for horses that need help to relax


Equine 74 Gastric - Make your horse feel happy inside! Natural acidbuffer, optimized pH-level in the horse's stomach and gut that helps for better performance and satisfaction without compromise. Because good for your horse should also mean good for you! Ready for a free sample? If you are from the EU, order here. US samples will be available soon!


Good results

Waldman finds quality of the nutrition of a horse an important issue. “Many people overlook the importance of quality food. Sometimes I visit high-class stables where they have top grooms and great vets, but they feed hay with mold on it. I don’t understand this management. I always feed my horses with common sense. If they look good and feel good, I’m not changing or adding anything. But if it feels like they are missing something, then I figure out how to improve. That’s also how I came across Equine 74 Stomach Calm Relax paste. I had a couple of horses with diarrhea and some other horses that were not in good shape but we couldn’t figure out what was going on. We booked good results on those horses with the paste.”


Equine 74 Gastric counteracts the effects of constant stress related acid problems with high mineral acid buffering. Learn more.


Not a tranquilizer

"We use the Equine 74 Stomach Calm Relax paste mainly at the horse shows for horses that are a bit nervous or tense. My experience is that it just takes the edges off. They become more easy to handle and work with. I came across the product through American top rider Devin Ryan, who is a friend of mine. Devin referred me to Christian Dietz, the owner of the Equine 74 brand. Christian is a knowledgeable guy and nice to work with, he sent me some Stomach Calm Relax paste to try and I noticed immediate results with that. I tried the paste on all kind of horses. On horses that had an issue with their stomach, on nervous horses, on horses that had to make long trips, I tried it in different ways with good results. I give the paste when I have the feeling it might help that particular horse. For one of my daughter's horses I use it on every show and we notice a big difference. The horses just become more relaxed, it takes the edges off, but the horse does not feel tranquilized at all, which is important. It just gives the feeling that the horse is more relaxed and takes a deep breath. I would definitely recommend it, I actually already did to some riders.”


Interested in learning more about Equine 74 Gastric? Click here for more information, or feel free to text or call Christian Dietz, CEO of Equine 74:

Europe: +49 172 5184099
USA: (352) 207 6857

You can also meet Equine 74 in Ocala—we look forward to welcoming you!


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