World of Showjumping
World of ShowjumpingWorld of Showjumping

Christoph Schröder: “Equine 74 Gastric improves the happiness of our horses”

Tuesday, 28 January 2025
Advertisement presented by Equine 74 Gastric

Christoph Schröder, a German showjumper and trainer based in Ocala, Florida, is passionate about the well-being of his horses. Christoph has a conservative approach when it comes to  the nutrition of his horses and the supplements he provides them. “There are so many products available nowadays, but I certainly do not jump on every train. Since one year we are feeding Equine 74 Gastric as a daily supplement. Because of the results we stick to that, I strongly believe in this product.”

Christoph Schröder was born in Germany. “I got my first riding lessons when I was 12 years old and always wanted to work with horses. After I decided to go professional I had the chance to work some time for Heinrich-Wilhelm Johannsmann at the DOKR in Warendorf. After that, I became Head of Sales of the Holsteiner Verband in Elmshorn. That’s where I met my American wife Haley and in 2008 we moved to the Unites States.”

For many years Schröder was showing horses at all kind of levels in the sport. “I rode hunters and showjumpers, from young horses at local shows to Grand Prix classes at FEI 5* shows.”

Prevention is key

“We travel a lot with the horses, from one show to the other. The horses are almost like business people; traveling, running, working and stressing. It had a negative impact on their well-being and it often caused stomach problems. Because of that I became aware of the existence of gastric ulcers. The usual treatment of gastric ulcers is not a long term solution, but more of a temporary band aid. So I was looking for a way to prevent it. When I heard about Equine 74 Gastric, I ordered a bucket and tried it.”

Equine 74 Gastric is a natural feed supplement which buffers acid instead of just blocking it. It creates a healthy pH balance in the horse's stomach and is doping free. “Out of curiosity, I just put a few my own horses on it and from that moment on we use it for all the horses”, Christoph explains.


Equine 74 Gastric - Make your horse feel happy inside! Natural acidbuffer, optimized pH-Level in horses stomach and gut that helps for better performance and satisfaction without compromise. Because good for your horse should als mean good for you! Ready for a free sample? If you are from the EU, order hereUS samples will be available soon!


Horse friendly place

“In 2021 we bought our farm in Ocala and started our own business. From Ocala, we can compete in many shows in our region, so we don’t have to travel too much and I can see our two sons growing up. We added training of people and horses to our services, but also buy and sell horses. We have 18 stalls for our customers and their horses, but also for our own showjumpers. Approximately 30 horses stay at our property, including young horses in the fields. What is important to me and my wife is that everything is horse friendly. Our horses go out at night, so they have a lot of turnout as we have 60 acres. We like to do things as natural as possible, that’s also why Equine 74 Gastric fits so well in our philosophy”, Christoph says. 


Equine 74 Gastric counteracts the effects of constant stress related acid problems with high mineral acid buffering. Learn more.


Conservative when it comes to nutrition

“We are kind of conservative when it comes to nutrition. We feed the horses mainly pellets and oats, very European. And of course they get high quality hay and grass”, Christoph explains. “Also in supplements we keep it simple. We feed them electrolytes as needed, vitamin E and Selenium. And since a year we are feeding Equine 74 Gastric pellets as a daily supplement. Providing Equine 74 Gastric is a very efficient way of preventing stomach problems and to my opinion, the horses perform more consistent and feel more comfortable. The good showjumpers are jumping better, the more average horses are just more reliable. Maybe I should not say it loud, but to my opinion even the colic risk decreases. And last but not least, the happiness of the horses improves and that’s very important to us. Also the Equine 74 Stomach Calm Relax paste is very powerful. When you use it, 20 minutes later you already feel a difference. My customers are happily using it for their sensitive horses. With the help of this product they are making huge progress.”


Interested in learning more about Equine 74 Gastric? Click here for more information, or feel free to text or call Christian Dietz, CEO of Equine 74:

Europe: +49 172 5184099
USA: (352) 207 6857

You can also meet Equine 74 in Ocala—we look forward to welcoming you!


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