Who doesn’t want to have their own Sapphire, Halifax van het Kluizebos, Ciske van Overis, Hardrock Z or Emerald? Flanders Embryo Auction managed to find a superb collection unborn foals, sired by world’s best stallions and closely related to mentioned showjumping stars. The online bidding is open now. On Friday March 19th the auction will end with a live studio auction. In the meantime, there will be a live-streaming in the VIP area of the Desert Horse Park in Thermal, California.
“Not everyone of our team got permission from the authorities to travel to the USA because of the Covid-19 rules and that is why we then looked for an alternative. The last studio auction had gone very well, there was a good atmosphere, and it was technically perfect. Gerald Lenaerts is in Thermal now to get people at the show interested in the auction and to provide information. Clipmyhorse will share the video images from both locations with the people at home. Our special guest is François Mathy senior, who found many 5* Grand Prix horses for top riders”, Luk Van Puymbroeck explains.
The twenty selected foals (one is already born) have top-class pedigrees. Think of a Chacco Blue out of a three-quarter sister of Sapphire (Darco), the former top-class mare from McLain Ward. A Comme il Faut out of the 1.60m Grand Prix mare Zuara (Berlin), a Catoki out of the 1.60m Grand Prix mare HH Ciske van Overis, a Chacco Blue out of the full sister of Emerald and a Chacco Blue out of the full sister of the Olympic stallion Hardrock Z.
One of them even is a full brother or sister of the 1.60m Grand Prix stallion Halifax van het Kluizebos (Heartbreaker), an Askari offspring of which ‘golden’ DSP Alice is a three-quarter sister and a Darco out of a daughter of the 1.60m Grand Prix mare Merveille de Muze. Also, the Roosakker family, the lineage of 1.60m Grand Prix mare Dolinn (Harrie Smolders) and the family of For Pleasure are represented.
You can watch them all and register yourself at www.flandersfoalauction.be