Nickki O'Donovan works as head groom for Irish showjumper Darragh Kenny. Here she tells all about how Equine 74 Gastric has become the no. one supplement for Kenny’s horses – who are real globetrotters as they split their time between showing in Europe and in the States.
In Darragh's stable Equine 74 Gastric has replaced omeprazole products. "When I first started working for Darragh, we were based full time in America and we didn't know that a product like Equine 74 Gastric existed. We used to feed a pure omeprazole supplement which depending on the batch you received worked one month and not the next,” Niccki tells.
“Two summers ago while in Europe, Darragh came across Equine 74 Gastric himself and told us to give it a try. We haven't looked back since, it made a huge difference for the horses we knew we needed to treat."
"We had one horse in particular that we knew suffered from ulcers," Nickki tells. “He would stand with his legs stretched in his stall, and would let you know he was uncomfortable. There were significant changes in the horse in question after starting him on Equine 74 Gastric, you could tell he was more comfortable when he stood in his stall. His overall appearance was better, his coat was brighter and his eyes were brighter."
“Then just recently we had a horse that would get nervous when it was time to be ridden. But, when we started feeding him Equine 74 Gastric around six weeks ago he gradually changed. Now, he is a totally different horse – calm and happy."
Today Equine 74 Gastric plays an important role in Kenny’s stable and in the management of the horses. "Equine 74 Gastric is the number one supplement in our feeding room, and the most important. All Darragh’s and Kerry's show horses get it daily, we like to think we are preventing a problem instead of needing to treat a problem,” Niccki says.
“The Equine 74 Gastric-bucket comes with a measured cup so each horse gets one cup with the evening feed. We don't feed so many supplements and for us Equine 74 Gastric is perfect: it's natural, and it's safe for the FEI horses to use – which is one of my main priorities. Our horses travel a lot – between traveling to Europe for the summer and flying to America for the winter. Knowing that they have happy stomachs keeps me happy. Happy horse, happy rider, happy groom!" Niccki closes off.
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