“We always say: A good horse will sell itself. We expect the same from the embryos and broodmares of this collection and do not forget to take a look at the frozen semen offers from top-class sires.” Mario Everse and Alan Waldman just launched their Youhorse.auction breeding collection. Online bidding is from 5-8 March.
“We believe that we have surpassed ourselves with this collection and are therefore very grateful to the breeders who allow us to sell them. We can barely wait to see all the photos and videos of this year’s newborn and of course the offspring out of our own performance breeding lines.”
How did they make a selection? “We picked out what we would like to have ourselves. We see them as the candies in showjumping horse breeding cake. Out of damlines that breeders have worked on for generations, producing one Grand Prix horse after another.”
It took some persuasion but eventually they were allowed to auction an Emerald out of the 1.70m Grand Prix mare Lizziemary ridden by Dani G. Waldman. But Youhorse.auction has many other specials, for example:
- A full sister or brother to Olympic champion H&M All-Inn
- Two grandchildren of World Equestrian Games champion Liscalgot
- A full sister or brother to the 1.70m GP stallion Halifax van het Kluizebos
- A Tobago out of the full sister of Arko III
- A Grandorado TN out of the full sister of Hello M’Lady
- Products of Grand Prix dams and/or grandams
- Offspring from the best families in Europe, such as the Roosakker family or that of Olympic champion Explosion W and Heartbreaker
- By sires such as Chacco Blue, Conthargos, Emerald, Comme il Faut, Toulon, Cumano…
- Straws, free from terms from, for example, Olympic champion Big Star, a stallion we owned until we sold him as a 5-yr-old to the sponsor of Nick Skelton
“The foals all have to be born still, but the great thing is: this will happen in the next few months. So grab your chance and get something special for the sport and/or breeding. We hope that you will feast your eyes on our collection that will make your mouth water! If you have any questions, feel free to call, mail or app us.”