After ending their collaboration with Penelope Leprevost, Haras de Clarbec today announced Nicolas Delmotte as the new rider of their horses Vagabond de la Pomme, Urano de Cartigny and Corrado du Moulin.
Under Leprevost, Vagabond de la Pomme became Vice Champion at the World Cup Finals in Las Vegas in 2015 and also jumped at last year's European Championships in Gothenburg. The pair has several top-three finishes together at five-star Grand Prix level, from Chantilly, Basel, Gothenburg, Paris and Lyon – to mention some. Urano de Cartigny also jumped at international Grand Prix level with Leprevost, and has a five-star 1.50-1.55m win from St. Tropez on his record while Corrado du Moulin jumped at the World Championships for young horses as a 6-year-old with Emmanuel Neyrat.
Source: Haras de Clarbec's Facebook page // Picture © Jenny Abrahamsson