Penelope Leprevost has been forced to take a break from competition after her fall in Rio two weeks ago. The French lady rider suffered a fall from her mare Flora de Mariposa during the first day of competition at the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, and got her right thigh injured. Still she kept on riding, helping the French team to the gold medal.
On her official Facebook page, Leprevost writes: “Flora returned from Rio in ‘Olympic’ form, but my return will be a bit more difficult. My fall left me with an aching thigh. Medical exams show I have a torn muscle which will keep me away from competition for a couple of weeks. Just a bit of rest and then we will return in top form again!”
We wish Penelope a speedy recovery, and hope to see her back in the saddle soon.
Source: Facebook-page Pénélope Leprévost // Picture © Jenny Abrahamsson