World of Showjumping
World of ShowjumpingWorld of Showjumping

Wout-Jan van der Schans on top in the CSI3* Grand Prix of Luxembourg

Sunday, 12 June 2016
CSI3* Luxembourg 2016

Wout-Jan van der Schans with Aquila SFN. Photo (c) Jenny Abrahamsson.
Wout-Jan van der Schans with Aquila SFN. Photo (c) Jenny Abrahamsson.

Netherland's Wout-Jan van der Schans with Aquila SFN (Ovidius x Lauriston) won the CSI3* Grand Prix Post, Grand Prix de la commune de Roeser in Luxembourg on Sunday. The fifteen best riders from the first round made it to the second one, and in total it was only two double clear rounds. Van der Schans ended the second round in 44,47 seconds and was way faster than runner-up Adir Abreu Junior with Cula Lou V (Chacco-Blue x Sandro) who ended the shortened course in 49,21 seconds.

Third place went to Canada's Karina Aziz with Czardas 30 (Contendro I x Grannus) after ending the second round with one time penalty. Derin Demirsoy with Harry K (Equest Carnute x Robin Z II) was clear in the second round, but with four faults from the first round he had to settle for fourth place. For Lisa Nooren with VDL Groep Sabech d'Ha (Qreda de Paulstra x Talent Platiere*HN) it was the other way around; she was clear in the first round and four faults in 43,93 seconds in the second round gave her the fifth place.


Text © World of Showjumping // Archive picture © Jenny Abrahamsson

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