Events | CSI3* Millstreet International Horse Show 2015
Home riders dominate at Millstreet International Horse Show
15 August 2015 - The home riders have been dominating the two 1.50 Grand Prix qualifiers held at the CSI3* Millstreet International Horse Show in Ireland.
Events | CSI3* Tryon 2015
Meagan Nusz picks up biggest career victory in $127,000 Grand Prix CSI 3* at Tryon
10 August 2015 - USA's Meagan Nusz landed the biggest win of her career Saturday night competing at Tryon International Equestrian Center.
Events | CSI2* Liz/Verden
Sunday's Grand Prix winners
10 August 2015 - Jörne Sprehe and Eva Bitter won the 2* Grand Prix classes in Linz and Verden.
Events | CSI3* Herlufmagle 2015
Bliss Heers wins in Herlufmagle
09 August 2015 - "It has been absolutely lovely here." It was a happy American rider who took home the GP win in the CSI3* Riders Cup Grand Prix in Herlufmagle.
Events | CSI3* Ommen 2015
Laura Renwick and Heliodor Hybris win the GP in Ommen
09 August 2015 - On form rider Laura Renwick won the CSI3* Grote Prijs van het Vechtdal aangeboden door Handelshuis Schuttert in Ommen Sunday.
Events | CSI3* Beervelde 2015
Jonna Ekberg takes a well deserved GP win at the Flanders Horse Event
09 August 2015 - Stephex Stables rider Jonna Ekberg won the 3* Mercedes Benz Grand Prix at the Flanders Horse Event in Beervelde Sunday.