Advertorials | Split Rock Jumping Tour 2015
Advertisement; Split Rock Jumping Tour Raises Bar For Next Leg of World-Class Event
31 August 2015 - The Split Rock Jumping Tour is a new international show jumping series modeled after successful European shows, set out to create an "unparalleled show jumping experience" in the U.S.
Advertorials | Holstein Foal Auction
Advertisement; International Show Jumping Careers Begin in Holstein
23 August 2015 - Glock’s Cognac Champblanc is looking back on a remarkable career which started at a Holstein Foal Auction and is set to reach its provisional height last week in Aachen.
Advertorials | Brightwells Elite August Auction
Advertisement; Brightwells Elite August Auction 21st & 22nd August
20 August 2015 - The Brightwells Elite August August Auction is staged alongside the British Young Horse Show Jumping Championships the 21st and 22nd August.
Advertorials | Dutch Sport Horse Sales 2015
Advertisement; “I value the selection committee’s honesty. That is rare”
19 August 2015 - The 2015 edition of the Dutch Sport Horse Sales is held 22 September. Every year the auction sells top quality horses to all around the world.
Advertorials | Brightwells August Elite Auction 2015
In The Spotlight – Qualite selling at Brightwells Elite August Auction
17 August 2015 - Qualite 3 year old mare by Quaid – For Edition – Pinkus Covered by Nubalou WZ (Numero Uno) selling at Brightwells Elite Auction Saturday 22nd August at Addington in the UK.
Advertorials | Brightwells August Elite Auction 2015
Advertisement; In The Spotlight – Maxamillion selling at Brightwells Elite August Auction
15 August 2015 - Maxamillion selling at Brightwells Elite August Auction Saturday 22nd August at Addington.