World of Showjumping
World of ShowjumpingWorld of Showjumping

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FEI Sports Forum 2017: “We should concentrate on making the Nations Cup the best product we have”

Exclusives | FEI Sports Forum 2017

FEI Sports Forum 2017: “We should concentrate on making the Nations Cup the best product we have”

10 April 2017 - Those were the words of Steve Guerdat during the opening session at the FEI Sports Forum 2017 in Lausanne on Monday morning, as the future of the FEI Nations Cup Jumping was up for debate.

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The Voice of the Riders: Paying to ride – invitation systems and entry fees

Exclusives | The Voice of the Riders

The Voice of the Riders: Paying to ride – invitation systems and entry fees

17 March 2017 - Steve Guerdat, Eric van der Vleuten and Reed Kessler speak out about the invitation system for the Global Champions Tour, harmonizing entry fees world wide and where it could bring our sport.

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Mental Equipment: The tools of sports psychology in showjumping

Exclusives | Mental Equipment

Mental Equipment: The tools of sports psychology in showjumping

16 February 2017 - In our new series 'Mental Equipment', Dr. John F. Murray – a licensed clinical psychologist and sport psychologist – will inform and inspire on how sport psychology can help give an advantage in showjumping

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The Voice of the Riders: The perfect show schedule – part two

Exclusives | The Voice of the Riders

The Voice of the Riders: The perfect show schedule – part two

25 January 2017 - International showjumping is not always as glamorous as it might seem. Late nights, long days and lack of sleep are some of the ingredients involved. What do the riders think of the show schedules?

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The Voice of the Riders: The perfect show schedule – part one

Exclusives | The Voice of the Riders

The Voice of the Riders: The perfect show schedule – part one

24 January 2017 - Putting together a successful horse show is not a piece of cake. The organizers have a lot to balance and take into consideration. But what do the riders think of the schedules, and what is a perfect one?

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IJRC General Assembly 2016: Riders criticize FEI for lack of debate, democracy and respect

Exclusives | IJRC General Assembly 2016

IJRC General Assembly 2016: Riders criticize FEI for lack of debate, democracy and respect

12 December 2016 - A lack of respect towards the riders. That is how Steve Guerdat fired off towards the FEI at Friday’s International Jumping Riders Club’s General Assembly in Geneva.

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