Ciao ciao,
I started my day early again with Gotha, took her for a walk in the main ring when it was open for us for some morning exercise again at 6.15. Cantinero had an easy morning with only a handwalk. Henrik came a few hours before the class and rode Gotha, she is having a day off from jumping today.
Cantinero jumped the Grand Prix and what looked like one of the best rounds he has done so far ended up with a very unlucky one pole down. These four fault-days when the horses are actually jumping great are extremely frustrating. And like a completely frustrated martyr I finished up in the stable after our round and walked off the showground to find some coffee to calm my nerves. At these kinda moments I like to play a game in my mind, a game that is called "try explaining a non-horsey person what exactly are you frustrated about". This always seems to be an impossible task and after five minutes I was over our four fault and focused on the actual world around us. Not that it's all much merrier at the moment, but anyway...
Better stop talking too mental so that the paramedics don't come and get me, instead here are more snapshots of halfnaked male statues. Much better, right? Oh and also a huge congratulation to my favourite team mates Rolf, Celia and Casall for another fabolous win! You guys rock :)