Bertram Allen was all smiles in the press conference after his Grand Prix win in Dinard: "It is great to win here and Molly was in a great form today. This is a really good show and it is really nice atmosphere."
Bertram got asked about how many 5* wins he has secured lately: "I won in Paris with Romanov and she (Molly Malone) won the week before that in Geesteren, so it has been going really well. I go to Dublin now - I will fly there directly tomorrow morning and that is a really important show for us. Then Molly will get ready for the Europeans."
Bertram was asked about the show in Dinard with the Europeans in mind as both arenas have big grass rings: "It was a very difficult decision for me not to bring Molly to Dublin because that is one of the most important shows of the year for us. That was a big decision with the Europeans in mind and I thought it would be better to try her here. Dublin is also a super grass ring, but I wanted to keep the atmosphere a bit the same. We will find out if it was a good decision."
Kevin started by saying his praise to the course designer who build his first 5* show. The arena in Dinard is not so easy since it is not totally flat and with threes in the show ground. "It was a tough decision for him to keep the time allowed so short, but in the end it was a very good course."
"I'm very happy with Reveur. I'm a bit disappointed with the beginning of the jump-off, because I could have been a bit faster there. I think it is a good preparation for the Europeans since the size and the audience are quite similar, but still when you ride a Grand Prix you are not focusing on preparing for the Europeans, but winning the Grand Prix."
Jerome Hurel ended third in the class: "When I watched the beginning of the class I thought it would be impossible for me to make it inside the time allowed, but I did and I still don't know how. After the water jump I changed the distance I had planned since my horse is getting a bit more flexible which makes it easier for me to change my plan during the course and try to get inside the time allowed. I can afford to take more risk with my horse now and still clear the fences. My horse is naturally slow both between and over the fences, but it is getting better and better. "